Saturday, February 16, 2008


Hewitt had audio of one of Michelle Obama's recent stump speeches. Save that for the fall; that soulless Marxist rhetoric will be a perfect counterpoint to almost anything Mrs. McCain will say.

It appears that Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua has endorsed Mr. Obama. Save that for the fall, too.

I don't blame Rep. Boehner for taking his team from the field over the FISA vote in the House. Even reasonable Democrats, I'd imagine, can't abide what their leaders are up to.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Hamas State of Mind

See Michael Medved's comment on last week's suicide bombing in Israel. I do not understand why Palestinians will not denounce Hamas' taking credit for this unspeakable act, unless any Palestinians who would denounce the barbarism have already washed their hands of the chaos or simply left the house of Palestine. Surely the opinion is not unanimous, even though Hamas doctrine seems to think so.

And More...

Listening to the President on Fox Sunday this morning, and thinking back on HIS campaign and track record, the only conclusion to be drawn is that Dubya has been as much a maverick as is (pejoratively) John McCain. I believe that the President will strongly support the nominee as the campaign works into more official stages, especially when we know the Democrat nominee. Practical political success, leadership and statesmanship always create the need for an acknowledgement of history as opposed to an adherence, however heartfelt, to a formal political creed. Some polls of Catholics and Evangelicals cited in the past week showed an alarming fluidity on issues. I think "the people" are much more practical than the hard-core activists will let on. Edicts like the classic "No New Taxes" are deadly in politics. It wasn't that GHWB reached a compromise on taxes it was that the polemics were inconsistent with the reality. If the hard-liners insist on purity, they will get what they deserve, and they WILL NOT LIKE IT.

By the same set of tokens, the strategy for one such as McCain in the general election will be to paint either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Obama as doctrinaire and inflexible.

Bulletin: Just saw that John Edwards is in "pasha mode" receiving honored guests bearing gifts. Apparently Mrs. C and Mr. O have come calling. Stay tuned.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Post Super-Tuesday

  • McCain holding serve;
  • Romney's graceful and generous exit;
  • McCain's very solid response at CPAC;
  • Obama's speeches (pick one);
  • Hilary and Obama find themselves in the real race.
It appears we know the Republican nominee. He's got to get all the factions and their technicians together on the same page, build a Republican coalition and find a party-crossing message, and work like crazy until November.

The Democrat contest is boiling down to who will blink first--or make the first big mistake--and what the price will be. This is getting good.